Dr. David Bailey
On the Shoulders of Giants
Having just done a post related to people with some association with Western University (the old UWO), I will mention Dr. Bailey again. He was on the faculty at UWO and was also an athlete and sometimes referred to as "Canada's Bannister", having run a mile in less than four minutes.
I have mentioned him before because of "The Grapefruit Effect" which he discovered. If you have to take some medicines you will likely have seen something about grapefruit on the labels since it can interfere with the way some drugs work. See my earlier post for details.
Dr. Bailey is not mentioned in the article I will now call to your attention. It will be of interest to those of you who are on meds and like grapefruit since they may soon be altered in a way that will allow you to have grapefruit juice with your breakfast. See: "On Meds? You May Be Able to Eat Grapefruit Again Someday: Scientists have identified a gene that causes production of a substance in some citrus that interferes with many medications,” Veronique Greenwood, New York Times, Jan.10, 2025.
"You may be among the millions of people who have seen a surprisingly specific warning like this on the labels of drugs you take:
Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using this medication.
Such warnings are issued for dozens of substances, including docetaxel, a cancer drug; erythromycin, an antibiotic; and some statins, the cholesterol-lowering drugs prescribed to more than a third of American adults over 40."
Dr. Bailey may be given credit in the article announcing this breakthrough, which is in the New Phytologist. The title is a bit too intimidating for me, so I didn't go looking: “A 2OGD Multi-gene Cluster Encompasses Functional and Tissue Specificity That Direct Furanocoumarin and Pyranocoumarin Biosyenthesis in Citrus."
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