Friday, 24 January 2025

Baby Names

 Muhammad is Number One - In England
  I can't say I have thought much about this subject since I assisted in coming up with the name for our last baby over fifty years ago. Generally speaking, many of us are as reckless in choosing baby names as we are in making the babies. The 1960s come to mind.
  It has been noticed by many and written about by a few that "Muhammad" is at the top of the list for boys born in England and I assume images of them are allowed. One has to check stories such as these and I did. Muhammad did indeed beat Noah and evidence is provided. According to the census data: 
"Muhammad has overtaken Noah as the top name for baby boys in England and Wales, followed by Noah and Oliver; Muhammad was the second most popular name in 2022 and has been in the top 10 most popular names for baby boys in England and Wales since 2016."
Olivia has been the top girl for the last few years. Here is the picture:

Ontario's Most Popular Baby Names - 2023
  I thought I would try to find out what is happening here and did. Here is the list. 
   Noah remains on top, for now, and Olivia is also very popular here although it might be close if you add together, Sophia (5) and Sofia (7).
Boys                            Girls
1. Noah                         1. Olivia
2. Liam                          2. Charlotte
3. Theodore                  3. Amelia                   
4. Oliver                        4. Emma
5. Jack                          5. Sophia
6. Lucas                        6. Mia
7. Benjamin                   7. Sofia
8. William                      8. Ava
9. Leo                            9. Mila
10.Henry                      10. Isla

   There does not appear to be much science behind the selection of names for babies, although religion may have an influence. Pop culture does as well and there are more Mileys and Rihannas than there once were. Some parents appear to give up and just name the baby for the day on which 'they' was born so we have some "Wednesdays" and "Saturdays" as well as some seasonal "Autumns" and "Summers", both of which are now seasons of considerable discontent.
"Baby Names in England and Wales: 2023: Most Popular First Names For Baby Girls and Boys in 2023 Using Birth Registration Data." 
The chart is from: "Muhammad Overtakes Noah as Most Popular Boy's Name," Cachella Smith, BBC News, Dec. 5, 2024.
The list is from: "Ontario's Most Popular Baby Names for 2023," Ontario News Release, Dec. 18, 2024.

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