Friday 15 January 2021


   These are indeed epoch times and many believe we are approaching the 'end time'.  We may be, but I will still take the time to review for you The Epoch Times which is also the name of a newspaper. It landed in the mailboxes here in the Wortley Village area of London and I gather its thud has been heard on porches around the country. It came to us free, but it is subscribed to by millions in over thirty countries. 

   I was glad to receive a print newspaper which is an almost extinct commodity. (As an aside for younger readers, newspapers used to be delivered twice daily by boys on bicycles - the same newspaper, in a morning and evening edition.) You also were probably happy and glad for a free diversion and, like most readers of newspapers, likely skipped to the "Mind & Body"section where you were greeted by this article: "A Loving Nudge Toward Healthier Habits." The last article in that section is a full page one,"Treat Her Like a Lady: Let's Bring Back Chivalry." There is even a crossword puzzle.

   In the news section you learn that "Snowbirds Lament Border Restrictions Derailing Annual Trek South" and that the "CFL Faces Challenges in Efforts to Stage Comeback." There is also an article suggesting that "Teachers Need to Speak Out" to improve our educational system. The fellow who wrote it is a high school teacher and "a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy." He is also the Deputy Mayor of Steinbach (I checked.) There are articles written by those whose names you will recognize, John Robson and Conrad Black, and another by a name you may recognize, Bruce Pardy, a law professor at Queen's. (He is, I checked. And, a warning: if your partner checks they are likely to subscribe, based on his picture alone. He is not a member of the unattractive cohort -although that may make him less attractive if you are a promoter of the disadvantaged.)

   By this time you may want to know more about the subscription information which reveals that "The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal of restoring accuracy and integrity in media." Under the the title on the front page are the words "Truth and Tradition." There is also a full page letter to readers found under the title "Read What Others Won't Report."

Should You Subscribe?

   Some of you may already have, based upon the information I provided above. I did not mention, however, that many of the articles have 'China' or 'Chinese' in the title: "Canadian Pension Money Keeps Pouring Into China as Risk Escalates" and "The Ties Between Canada's Elite and Powerful and the Chinese Regime." The Epoch Times is opposed to the current Chinese government. That is not a bad thing, given that that government has been holding our "Two Michaels" hostage for many months. It is also opposed to communism in general and perceives that it is a threat everywhere as the title of the article by the handsome Queen's prof. suggests: "The Cold War Continues, This Time Within Our Borders." The Epoch Times is not opposed to everything and is very supportive of still President Trump. 
   It is unfair to raise a question without answering it, so I will conclude by suggesting that you should subscribe if you are conservative and anti-communist and one of the many Canadians who is secretly supportive of the still President Trump. 

The Canadian Reaction

   I was curious about how our compatriots reacted to the reception of The Epoch Times and here are a couple of examples.  This one comes from out west where one finds in the Vanderhoof News this letter from someone who is not a fan of The Epoch Times:
LETTER: "Brainwashing comes to Canada and Nelson"
From reader: Mary Nishio
I was distressed to learn that my sister (73) was traveling to Washington, D.C. to participate in the pro-Trump a.k.a anti-Biden presidential confirmation demonstrations. She has feasted on a steady diet of one news source and has denied the truth of all other news media. Her source of information is The Epoch Times. This news source has distorted her view of the world so that she puts her life in danger due to COVID-19 and protest violence.

   I found other articles which also were anti-Epoch, some suggesting it not be allowed and others chastising our Posties for delivering it, to wit:
 OPINION: "Why Censoring Misinformation is a Bad Idea: The Epoch Times may be bad journalism but Luckily it is Allowed to Exist in Our Country," Paul Henderson, Jan. 8, 2021 Peninsula News Review
It has raised eyebrows here in Chilliwack with some residents posting online, some have asked me directly, about why copies of the newspaper are being delivered.
I asked Canada Post about the corporation’s policy on what they will or, more importantly, what they will not deliver. Media relations spokesperson Phil Legault said they always listen to complaints from customers or employees about controversial mailings. But: “As Canada’s postal administration, Canada Post is obligated to deliver any mail that is properly prepared and paid for, unless it is considered non-mailable matter. The Courts have told Canada Post that its role is not to act as the censor of mail or to determine the extent of freedom of expression in Canada. This is an important distinction between Canada Post and private sector delivery companies.
I agree with that stance and did not mind receiving The Epoch Times and have not attacked those who deliver The Watchtower. 

Speaking of The Watchtower

   The Epoch Times, like The Watchtower, is not without religious connections. It was founded at the beginning of this century (so far an epoch one indeed) by John Tang who was living in Georgia at the time and a follower of Falun Gong. The founder of that religion is the living messiah Li Hongzhi who is living next door in New York state. 

   The Wikipedia entries for both the paper and Falun Gong will do for most people, unless you are like me and are seeking more free diversions. If so read this:
"Epoch Times Revenue Soared on Trump Conspiracies," Lachlan Markay, Jan 12, 2021, Nieman Journalism Lab.
"The publisher of The Epoch Times, a stridently pro-Trump publication with a flair for conspiracy theories and links to Chinese dissidents, nearly quadrupled its revenue during the first three years of the administration.
Why it matters: The nonprofit Epoch Times Association’s 2019 revenue of $15.5 million, up from $3.9 million in 2016, shows how lucrative news coverage catering to the president's most fervent supporters could be — and will likely remain even after he leaves office.
Founded in 2000, The Epoch Times has ties to members of the Falun Gong, a Chinese religious movement that's been persecuted by the country’s ruling Communist Party.
In its annual tax filings with the IRS, the Epoch Times Association says its “purposes are inspired by the founders’ personal experiences in Communist China and their efforts to bring honest, uncensored news despite oppression and violence.”
The big picture: The Epoch Times has doggedly written stories indulging some of the most popular conspiracy theories floated by President Trump and his most ardent supporters."

The Bonus:
The Jehovah's Witnesses people haven't been to our door in quite a while. If that is true for you as well and you are missing The Watchtower, just click on that link and read it online. 
Okay. That is a joke. I want you to keep reading "The Bonus" section so here is the real bonus:
If you have subscribed to The Epoch Times and are seeking yet another conservative, religious-backed newspaper see this one which was founded by Sun Myung Moon and is strategically located in Washington, D.C.: The Washington Times - it contains "Reliable Reporting" and "The Right Opinion."

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