Monday, 3 March 2025

McGill-Queen's University Press

 More Sources For Books - University Presses
   Here is another CANADIAN source for books, provided at a time when we are paying more attention to where things are produced. My last post in this series about "University Presses"  was done just over a year ago and it was also about a CANADIAN publisher - Wilfred Laurier Press. This one is a joint venture between McGill and Queen's. For additional information see the website for MQUP. 

A Topical Tome
As this is being typed, tariffs are being imposed on Canadian goods by our southern neighbour, so this book could provide useful background information, although the title of a new edition will need to be revised: Natural Allies: 
Environment, Energy, and the History of US-Canada Relations, by Daniel Macfarlane:
No two nations have exchanged natural resources, produced transborder environmental agreements, or cooperatively altered ecosystems on the same scale as Canada and the United States. Environmental and energy diplomacy have profoundly shaped both countries’ economies, politics, and landscapes for over 150 years."

"Intoxicating Histories"
   MQUP publishes books in a series and this one could help us forget about our current concerns:
"Whether on the street, off the shelf, or over the pharmacy counter, interactions with drugs and alcohol are shaped by contested ideas about addiction, healing, pleasure, and vice and their social dimensions. Books in this series explore how people around the world have consumed, created, traded, and regulated psychoactive substances throughout history."

Local Authors

There are books available from MQUP that are by scholars from the London area. Here is one by Professor Emeritus, Ian K. Steele. 

    English Atlantics is dedicated to Professor Steele:
"Ian K. Steele's pioneering work in imperial and early North American history was a pivotal contribution to the establishment of Atlantic history as a field. His study of a unified English - and later British - Atlantic challenged American exceptionalism and encouraged the current wave of interest in Atlantic studies."

   Professor Peter Neary, who passed away last year, authored the ones above and these below:

   His wife Hilary Bates Neary has also published with MQUP and is well-known to those interested in the local history of London and Middlesex County. 

   Once again, this series about University Presses demonstrates that books produced by them often appeal to readers far beyond the campuses. A list of all the "University Presses" covered in Mulcahy's Miscellany, is found at the bottom of this post about WLU Press. 

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