Thursday, 6 March 2025

ON Rats


    "ON Rats" was chosen because it is a bit more sophisticated than "OH Rats!" or "EEK Rats!" and it likely reminds you more of an essay by Montaigne than Mulcahy. But, the exclamatory titles are more appropriate and the point being made here is that there are now a lot of rats. If you have read my unflattering posts about Toronto you will know that I was not surprised to learn that Toronto has lots of them.
   If I had acted more quickly I could have provided you with "Breaking News" which is now more valuable than the regular kind. I would have told you early on about the Ratscallions, if I had known that rats were going to become "a thing." The Ratscallions operate in Washington, which like Toronto, has many rats and again, I wasn't surprised to learn this. The advance news about the rapidly growing rat population in the D.C. area is from this article which begins with an Editor's warning: "This story contains descriptions and images of dogs hunting rats that could upset some readers.". Actually the title should be enough for you: ""Washington is Full of Rats: These Dogs Are Happy to Help With That: On Certain Nights, Behind Some of Your Favorite Restaurants, Roving Groups of Dog Owners Set Their Posse of Pooches Loose on Urban Rodents," Maur Judkis and Jabin Botsford, Washington Post, Sept. 13, 2024.
   This is now old news so I will not develop this story further and simply provide sources for those of you who may have missed this development while spending too much time reading about the other rats in Washington. The major points are that the rat population is booming and increases in the number of people and the temperature are mainly responsible.

  THE SOURCE which all the journalists depended upon is this one: "Increasing Rat Numbers in Cities  Are Linked to Climate Warming, Urbanization, and Human Population," Science Advances, Jan. 31, 2025.
"Urban rats are commensal pests that thrive in cities by exploiting the resources accompanying large human populations. Identifying long-term trends in rat numbers and how they are shaped by environmental changes is critical for understanding their ecology, and projecting future vulnerabilities and mitigation needs."
The story was reported in Washington where obviously the Ratscallions have not been able cull sufficient numbers: "Urban Rats are Booming Around the World Due in Large Part to Rising Average Temperatures, According to an Analysis of 16 Cities Published Friday: The trend is most pronounced in Washington, D.C., followed by San Francisco, Toronto and New York," Washington Post, Jan. 31, 2025.
    Boston has more than Brahmins and Bruins: "Boston's Warming Climate Leads to More Rats, Study Says," The Boston Globe, Feb. 18, 2025.
"A study published in the journal Science on Jan. 31, said biologists using Boston’s 311 call data estimated that between 2011 and 2021, the city’s rat population increased by 53 percent..."
Here is yet another reason to avoid Toronto: "
Rats! Why Toronto’s Rat Population is Growing, and Will Likely Continue To Do So," By Alex Arsenych,, February 12, 2025.
    It made the National news: "How Canada's Cities Got So Repulsively Ratty: Canadians Are in an All-out War with Rats For Dominion Over our Urban Centers: It's Time to Take Them Back," Jadine Ngan, Maceans, Dec. 9, 2025.
    The problem is an International one: "Cat-sized Rats Are Attacking Our Cars," Rob Mayer, BBC, Feb.28, 2025. These rats are in Birmingham

   No, this does not give you an excuse to buy another cat. As you can see from the headline right above, these 21st century rats can be large. As well, if there are many of them, your cat may be outmatched. I recently was looking again at The Great War and Modern Memory and in it, found this passage:
  "The famous rats also gave us constant trouble. They were big and black with wet, muddy hair….Their hunger, vigor, intelligence, and courage are recalled in numerous anecdotes. One officer notes from the Ypres Salient: “We are fairly plagued with rats. They have eaten nearly everything in the mess, including the table-cloth and the operations orders! We borrowed a large cat and shut it up at night to exterminate them, and found the place empty the next morning. The rats must have eaten it up, bones, fur, and all and dragged it to their holes.” p.49 The Great War and Modern Memory, Paul Fussell.

   On a more positive note, there's always Alberta: "'Rat on Rats': Alberta Launches Campaign to Keep Province Rat-free," Steven Dyer, CTV News, Nov.5, 2024.
"For more than 70 years, Alberta has been designated rat-free by keeping rats from establishing a permanent population and dealing with any new infestations, the province said in a release."

The Bonus:
For additional, sophisticated "ON" posts, see, for example:
"ON Ophiology"
"ON Worms" 
"ON Barfing"

Alumni Matters

    Freedom of speech, freedom of expression and academic freedom are complicated concepts, but the premise of this post is a simple one: that there should be very few restrictions applied to speech on campuses. Although some may think that surely a defence of free speech is not necessary at colleges, which were constructed to discuss ideas, all ideas, not just a few of them, but that is not the case. The word "free" is now less associated with the word "speech", than words like, "hateful", "discriminatory", "deceitful" and even "blasphemous." Free speech is seen by many as a tool only for those in power and that the minimal harm caused by limiting the freedom of expression "is far outweighed by the benefit it provides to vulnerable groups and to the promotion of equality." 
I don't agree and am bothered by the fact that the list of people effectively restricted from coming to speak at the campus close by, would be a very long one. And, I am not talking about just those who might want to discuss the political situation in the Middle East. 
  Although many students may not want to hear about ideas to which they are opposed and worry also about being 'harmed' by them, some alumni may feel differently. Apparently that is the case in the United States where the Alumni Free Speech Alliance, "exists to preserve the pursuit of truth in American Higher Education. We do this by empowering alumni of American colleges and universities to form and run independent alumni organizations that support free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at their alma mater."  

   This alumni alliance was formed in 2021 to protect the freedom of expression. I do not think there is such a group in Canada. If you want to start one, the information that follows should be useful. One can begin by looking at the websites of 
AFSA and FIRE - Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.  A couple of dozen alumni groups have joined the Alliance and their websites are provided. There is some redundancy and a few of the nascent ones have yet to create a website, but as they develop and their activities increase this could be a good resource for those interested in making their old campus a more interesting and inviting place.


Boston University (coming soon)
  Boston University Free Speech Alliance

  Open Discourse Coalition

   “Providing a variety of intellectual viewpoints at Bucknell University and beyond.”


   Alumni Free Speech Alliance
  “AFSA exists to organize, empower, and engage alumni to preserve the legacy of rational truth-seeking by securing free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at American colleges and universities.”

  Free Speech Alliance

"The Cornell Free Speech Alliance (CFSA) is an independent, non-partisan organization of Cornell alumni and faculty dedicated to protecting free expression, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University. CFSA works to address speech suppression on campus and supports individuals facing infringements on their rights, urging Cornell to adopt stronger free speech protections and political nonpartisanship."

Dartmouth (coming)
  Dartmouth Free Speech Alliance


   “Davidsonians for Freedom of Thought and Discourse”


   Furman Free Speech Alliance
  “ Friends of Furman is dedicated to promoting free expression, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at Furman University. The Furman Free Speech Alliance is not affiliated with Furman University.

  Harvard Alumni For Free Speech
  “Our purpose is to promote and strengthen free expression, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity, both on campus and throughout the global Harvard-Radcliffe community. We hope to encourage all Harvard stakeholders who pursue freedom in speech and thought.”

James Madison (coming)
  Madison Cabinet For Free Speech

   “The alumni behind the Madison Cabinet came together because of their shared concerns about JMU’s restrictive speech codes, limited viewpoint diversity, and lack of transparency in university governance. Beyond speaking out about these issues, these graduates intend to petition the school to uphold its First Amendment obligations as a public university.”

  Alumni/Alumnae Coalition for Lafayette

  Macalester Alumni of Moderation
  “ Macalester Alumni of Moderation believe a liberal arts education is enhanced by differing points of view shared freely on campus.”


   MIT Free Speech Alliance
  “The MIT Free Speech Alliance, an independent nonprofit founded by Institute alumni, is a key voice in the fight to keep MIT a place for innovation and engagement with diverse perspectives. Since our founding we have supported speech-protective policies at MIT, including the adoption of MIT’s Statement on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom and the elimination of DEI statements.”


   Michigan State Alumni For Free Speech

   “Promoting free expression, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity.”

Michigan Technological
  “Michigan Tech Alumni and Friends Supporting Free Speech and Critical Thinking”


   Princetonians For Free Speech
  “Fighting For Free Speech Alongside Princeton Alumni, Faculty & Students”

  Stanford Alumni For Free Speech and Critical Thinking


   Bruin Alumni In Defense Of Free Speech

   “Promoting free expression, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity.”

   “We are UCLA graduates reaching out to all Bruin alumni who are ready to take a stand against the erosion of free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity on our nation’s campuses; alumni who are dismayed at shout-down protests and violence against speech deemed offensive, faculty disciplined for pedagogical speech that challenges students’ political or cultural beliefs, and a campus culture that intimidates students into silence on controversial topics.”

University of California
  University of California Free Speech Alliance
  “The University of California Free Speech Alliance (UCSFA) works with the Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA), American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), Cal's Faculty Freedom Caucus, and The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression's (FIRE).”

University of Chicago (coming)
  University of Chicago Free Speech Alliance

University of North Carolina
  UNC Free Speech Alliance
  “ Join UNC AFSA in promoting free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at UNC.”

University of Pennsylvania
  University of Pennsylvania Alumni Free Speech Alliance

   “We are alumni of the University of Pennsylvania and want to let the university know that we believe in free speech as foundational principles for our alma mater.”

University of Virginia.
  The Jefferson Council
  “Preserving Thomas Jefferson’s Legacy of Freedom and Excellence.”
  “The Jefferson Council is made up of a robust network of concerned and invested alumni who are committed to leading the University of Virginia back to Thomas Jefferson’s legacy of freedom and excellence.”


   Link is to The Cadet newspaper which is a member of the AFSA.

   “The Cadet Foundation is a proud and honored member of the Alumni Free Speech Alliance. On many campuses, students and faculty are attacked for exercising free speech. According to the FIRE survey, over 80 percent of students at schools surveyed said they self-censor in the classroom, on campus and online.”

Washington and Lee
  The Generals Redoubt
  “ A non-partisan organization committed to fostering open discussion and historical integrity. It aims to preserve the legacy of Washington and Lee University while providing a platform for alumni, students, and friends to engage in educational activities and dialogues. The organization also emphasizes its independence from political affiliations, ensuring a focus on historical understanding and free speech.”

  Williams Free Speech Alliance
  “The Williams Free Speech Alliance (WFSA) is a non-partisan organization founded by a group of Williams alumni in January 2023 to protect and promote Free Expression, Viewpoint Diversity, Institutional Neutrality, and Academic Freedom at Williams College.”

Wofford (coming)
  Alumni For the Wofford Way


   Fight For Yale’s Future
  “Restoring Light and Truth. Fight for Yale’s Future was created to educate key stakeholders and members of the public about an ever-expanding series of troubling developments at Yale University, to stimulate debate about its mission and activities, and to hold its leadership accountable. 

We seek to empower alumni, students, faculty, staff, and other interested parties to speak out and take action to bring about necessary changes to restore light and truth at Yale.”

Other "Free Speech" Posts on MM

Monday, 3 March 2025

McGill-Queen's University Press

 More Sources For Books - University Presses
   Here is another CANADIAN source for books, provided at a time when we are paying more attention to where things are produced. My last post in this series about "University Presses"  was done just over a year ago and it was also about a CANADIAN publisher - Wilfred Laurier Press. This one is a joint venture between McGill and Queen's. For additional information see the website for MQUP. 

A Topical Tome
As this is being typed, tariffs are being imposed on Canadian goods by our southern neighbour, so this book could provide useful background information, although the title of a new edition will need to be revised: Natural Allies: 
Environment, Energy, and the History of US-Canada Relations, by Daniel Macfarlane:
No two nations have exchanged natural resources, produced transborder environmental agreements, or cooperatively altered ecosystems on the same scale as Canada and the United States. Environmental and energy diplomacy have profoundly shaped both countries’ economies, politics, and landscapes for over 150 years."

"Intoxicating Histories"
   MQUP publishes books in a series and this one could help us forget about our current concerns:
"Whether on the street, off the shelf, or over the pharmacy counter, interactions with drugs and alcohol are shaped by contested ideas about addiction, healing, pleasure, and vice and their social dimensions. Books in this series explore how people around the world have consumed, created, traded, and regulated psychoactive substances throughout history."

Local Authors

There are books available from MQUP that are by scholars from the London area. Here is one by Professor Emeritus, Ian K. Steele. 

    English Atlantics is dedicated to Professor Steele:
"Ian K. Steele's pioneering work in imperial and early North American history was a pivotal contribution to the establishment of Atlantic history as a field. His study of a unified English - and later British - Atlantic challenged American exceptionalism and encouraged the current wave of interest in Atlantic studies."

   Professor Peter Neary, who passed away last year, authored the ones above and these below:

   His wife Hilary Bates Neary has also published with MQUP and is well-known to those interested in the local history of London and Middlesex County. 

   Once again, this series about University Presses demonstrates that books produced by them often appeal to readers far beyond the campuses. A list of all the "University Presses" covered in Mulcahy's Miscellany, is found at the bottom of this post about WLU Press.