Sunday 18 August 2024

A London Scavenger Hunt

    I have been away for a while and lazy for much longer, but now the weather is bad and I don't  have an excuse to keep from you the valuable information I typically supply. What follows is admittedly shallow and related to London, but it allows me to limber up before attempting something more arduous. It also presents a bit of a challenge and if any local readers stumble upon it, they can take advantage of some dining and shopping experiences of which they may not have been aware. If they can figure out where these places are.
   They were discovered yesterday on my bike ride which was only a bit off the beaten path. I noticed first a rather posh-looking place, posh-looking enough that I did a u-turn. This is from the website of that establishment.

   If you also need shoes, this store is close by and you will likely agree with their advice that, "Life is short, buy the shoes!"

  You will not need to travel far to dine at a place that features items such as those pictured below. 

  You will by now have guessed that such places are not likely to be found in the downtown core or east of Adelaide.

  It is unlikely that even my wife will read this so I will note that I will take her out for  a Pimm's Cup and some gnosh if she discovers it and figures out where these places are.

Post Script:
Since very little has been offered here, I will provide a picture which indicates that such stores used to be located in the core. You will be able to guess what store it was.

   Also, I can take the opportunity to allay the anxiety of those of you who are worried about the convenience of making alcohol available in convenience stores. It's just a return to the good old days. Here is a description of London, c1837:
“Besides the seven taverns there is a number of little grocery stores which are, in fact, drinking houses. And though a law exists, which forbids the sale of spiritous liquors in small quantities by any but licensed publicans, they easily contrive to elude the law; as thus:- a customer enters the shop, and asks for two or three penny-worth of nuts, or cakes, and he receives a few nuts, and a large glass of whiskey. The whiskey, you observe, is given, not sold, and no one can swear to the contrary.” 
That is from this post in MM which presents another mystery for you to solve - i.e. what the title is about: “Dorfläden.

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