Monday 20 May 2024

Hi Ho Silver !!

Silver Bars Along With Chocolate Ones at COSTCO 
   I don't usually read the commercial emails received continuously, but I was curious about what "Treasure" might now be found at Costco. It turns out it is SILVER. At the end of 2023 I noticed that they also carry GOLD and I don't have much to add to, "GOLD AT COSTCO", where I confessed an ignorance about 'investing' and financial matters generally.

  I can understand that Costco attempts to lure customers to return by offering "Treasure," but I am not sure that silver is, although it might be more valuable than crypto. Still, I thought I should call it to your attention. I know that a silver bar will last longer than a chocolate one and perhaps is a better hedge against inflation. While the prices for most things seem only to go up, however, the value of gold and silver sometimes goes in the other direction. I see in my "Gold Post" that the 1oz. of gold was going for $2,679.99 at Costco back in December, so you should check and see what it is worth now, before you buy some silver bars. Also in that post you will learn about the expression, "Going to Hell in a Handbasket," which may be relevant. 

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